1337 Breaking the Law?

Here at Default Store Studios we get concerned when a law could impact members of our team. As you've seen from our games we do a lot of real-world modeling which means our birds must fly over farms and whatnot to collect samples we use for our game design & physics engine. Hopefully we'll get an answer soon as to if this is going to be a problem in Idaho or if we'll need to switch to doing the work at our New York office because of Idaho SENATE BILL NO. 1337, section 18-7042, (d) where it is illegal when someone:

"Enters an agricultural production facility that is not open to the public and, without the facility owner's express consent or pursuant to judicial process or statutory authorization, makes audio or video recordings of the conduct of an agricultural production facility's operations."

Maybe the Governor or someone in his office can provide some additional clarification? Is entering the airspace of an agricultural facility while filming illegal without notifying the agricultural facility and getting their permission? If we use good ol' film is that not considered video? We demand answers Mr. Governor.

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